
The Law of the Constitutional Court

Articles of the Constitutional Court Law:

Law No. 15 of 2012 (Jordan) Issued on 16/06/2012 CONSTITUTIONAL COURT LAW


This law shall be called the Constitutional Court Law of 2012 and shall enter into force after one hundred and twenty days from its publication in the Official Gazette.


Where the following words and phrases appear in this law, they shall have the meanings assigned to them below, unless otherwise indicated by the context:

  • The Court: The Constitutional Court
  •  The President: The President of the Court
  •  Member: The President or any member of the Court
  •  General Board: General Board of the Court comprising all its members
  •  Secretary-General: Secretary-General of the Court


  •  A constitutional court shall be established in the Kingdom, it shall be based in the capital and it shall be considered an independent and separate judicial body.

  • The Court shall have a legal personality and enjoy financial and administrative independence. In such capacity, it may own movable and immovable assets and make all such legal dispositions as are required to perform its functions. The Civil Attorney-General shall deputise for it in judicial proceedings.


The Court shall have the following responsibilities:

  • To oversight the constitutionality of the applicable laws and regulations.
  • To interpret the provisions of the Constitution.

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